56 Writing and Literature in Egyptian hieroglyphic and were votive stelae, statues, or the like dedicated by Egyptian officials in the local temple amidst the turquoise mines that explain the object of their quest. In- cluded among the materials handed over to us were copies of ten rock tablets carved in characters of which some were clearly borrowed from the hieroglyphs, whilst others were equally clearly not so borrowed. Reluctantly we turned to the study of these enigmatic texts, for there seemed little hope of eliciting their nature. Almost the first sign to attract my attention was the ox-head at the beginning (top right) of the inscription reproduced in Plate I, fig. i. This brought to mind the old contention of Gesenius that the prototypes of the Phoenician letters must originally have had the shapes indicated by the Hebrew letter-names, and accordingly I exclaimed to my com- panion 'Surely we must here have the origin of the Phoenician dlepP. His reply was not encouraging, so there the matter rested for several weeks. On taking up the problem afresh, my first step was to see what confirmation of my surmise could be found. To my astonishment, almost perfect equivalents were at once forthcoming for beth 'house' Q, f3, mem 'water'AM— the Egyptians always depicted water as a zigzag line ^^—*ayin *eye' <*££>* and resb 'head5 Q, besides others for one reason or another less convincing. The total number of different signs contained in these inscriptions did not exceed thirty-two and of these some might well be variants; the natural inference was that the writing was alphabetic. But if so, there would have to be some sequences of letters which would yield indi- • vidual words. It was easy to isolate one sequence of four h£ letters that occurred no less than six times; a typical ^ example is given in the adjoining cut. Applying my jS"» principle, I read the first sign as b, the second as » r Cayin)—this is a peculiar guttural sound not heard in English—and the last as t—the Hebrew letter-name tan means 'a mark' and the Phoenician form is t or x The third